Ambit (Unbiased Review)

Ambit (Unbiased Review)
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Company Overview Ambit Energy, founded in 2006, operates as a retail energy provider in deregulated markets across the U.S., offering electricity and natural gas services. Ambit is unique in that it uses a multi-level marketing (MLM) structure, allowing individuals to become consultants and earn income by referring others to join their service. The company has grown rapidly and serves customers in multiple states, boasting a wide array of energy plans including fixed-rate, variable-rate, and green energy options.

Pros of Joining Ambit Energy

  1. Potential Cost Savings: Ambit offers a variety of rate plans, and some customers have reported savings on their energy bills. Many who benefit from their plans emphasize its affordability. A customer from Home Energy Club praised the company's competitive pricing and solid customer service with a rating of 4.3 out of 5, highlighting its relatively good scores for billing and customer satisfaction.
  2. Flexible Plans: Ambit provides various plan options tailored to different needs, including fixed-rate, variable-rate, and renewable energy plans. The company’s flexibility is attractive to those looking for customizable energy solutions.
  3. Referral Program: One of the biggest draws to Ambit is its MLM-based referral program. Members who refer others to join Ambit Energy can earn free energy credits or commissions, which can reduce or eliminate their own energy costs.
  4. Simple Online Tools: Customers often appreciate the convenience of Ambit’s online account management tools, which allow for easy bill payment and tracking of energy usage. Mark, a customer, shared that “Ambit’s user-friendly online portal helps me track my energy consumption and manage my account with ease.”

Cons of Joining Ambit Energy

  1. Billing Issues and Price Increases: A common complaint involves surprise price hikes after the end of a contract period. Many customers reported receiving bills that were significantly higher than their initial rates, especially upon renewing contracts. One customer noted their bill had doubled after renewal, jumping from $350 to $705 due to hidden fees and rate increases.
  2. Customer Service Challenges: While some customers have had positive experiences, others find the customer service lacking, particularly when dealing with billing discrepancies. Complaints about long response times and inadequate problem resolution are common. One customer expressed frustration, stating, “I’ve had numerous billing issues, and the customer support team wasn’t much help”​(Money Making Mommy)​(ConsumerAffairs).
  3. High Rates for Some Plans: Another recurring issue is that some Ambit customers have experienced unexpectedly high rates. In one review, a customer from Texas reported being charged 25 cents per kWh after switching energy providers, an amount that was significantly higher than competitors in the market​(ConsumerAffairs).
  4. Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Model: While the MLM structure offers an opportunity for income, it may not be for everyone. Building a network of customers can be challenging, and success in earning commissions often depends on recruiting others, which can create pressure.

Customer Feedback

Overall, Ambit Energy receives mixed reviews. Some customers praise its cost-saving potential and ease of use, while others raise concerns about transparency and rate spikes. Positive testimonials often emphasize the helpfulness of Ambit’s customer service and the convenience of its online tools. However, others have shared less favorable experiences regarding billing issues and unexpected rate hikes. According to feedback, Ambit Energy’s MLM structure is an attractive option for those willing to recruit others but may not be suitable for everyone.

In summary, Ambit Energy can be a good choice for those looking for flexible energy plans and the opportunity to reduce costs through referrals. However, it’s essential to carefully review the terms and conditions of any contract, as unexpected price hikes and billing issues have been noted by many customers. As one reviewer wisely stated, “It’s important to stay on top of your plan and read the fine print to avoid surprises down the line”​(Home Energy Club™)​(Money Making Mommy).