Faberlic (Unbiased Review)    

Faberlic  (Unbiased Review)    
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If you're considering joining Faberlic, a global cosmetics and wellness company, it's important to gather as much information as possible before making a decision. In this article, we'll delve into what Faberlic offers, how it operates, and what members are saying about their experiences. Whether you’re exploring Faberlic as a customer or as a potential member, this guide aims to provide you with a balanced view.

What is Faberlic?

Faberlic, founded in Russia in 1997, is a multinational company specializing in direct selling of beauty, health, and wellness products. The company's product range includes cosmetics, skincare, fragrances, dietary supplements, and household goods. Faberlic operates on a network marketing model, meaning that it relies on its members to sell products and recruit new members.

You can explore their offerings on their official website: Faberlic.

The Business Model

Faberlic’s business model is built around direct selling and multi-level marketing (MLM). Members can purchase products at a discount and resell them for a profit. Additionally, they earn commissions based on the sales made by their recruits, which can create multiple income streams.

Pros of Joining Faberlic

  1. Diverse Product Range: Faberlic offers a wide variety of products, from cosmetics to dietary supplements. This diversity can be a significant advantage, as it provides members with many options to cater to different customer needs.

    • Quote from a member: “I love that Faberlic offers so many different types of products. It makes it easier to meet my customers' varied needs and preferences.” — Jessica T.

  2. Training and Support: The company provides various training resources and support to its members. This includes online webinars, tutorials, and mentorship programs designed to help members succeed.

    • Quote from a member: “The training sessions are incredibly helpful. They offer practical tips and strategies that you can apply right away.” — Michael R.

  3. Global Reach: Faberlic operates in numerous countries, which offers members the opportunity to build a business that reaches a broad audience.

    • Quote from a member: “Being part of an international company like Faberlic has opened up so many new markets for me. It’s exciting to connect with people from all over the world.” — Linda K.

  4. Quality Products: Many members praise the quality of Faberlic’s products, particularly their skincare and cosmetic lines. Positive feedback highlights the effectiveness and affordability of the products.

    • Quote from a member: “The skincare products have really impressed me. They’re high quality but still affordable, which makes them easy to sell.” — Sara W.

Cons of Joining Faberlic

  1. MLM Model Challenges: The MLM structure can be challenging, especially if you’re new to direct selling. Success often depends on your ability to recruit and build a team, which can be difficult for some.

    • Quote from a member: “The MLM aspect of Faberlic can be tough. It’s not just about selling products; you also need to recruit and manage a team, which can be overwhelming.” — James L.

  2. Initial Investment: Members may need to make an initial investment in products or a starter kit, which can be a barrier for some potential recruits.

    • Quote from a member: “The upfront costs can be a bit high. It’s important to consider whether you’re comfortable with the initial investment before jumping in.” — Emily F.

  3. Income Variability: Earnings can vary significantly based on individual effort, market conditions, and team performance. Some members report that achieving substantial income can be challenging.

    • Quote from a member: “While there’s potential for good earnings, it’s not guaranteed. You really have to put in the work and manage your team well to see significant income.” — David M.

  4. Pressure to Recruit: There is often a significant emphasis on recruitment in MLM models. Some members find this pressure challenging and may feel it detracts from the focus on selling products.

    • Quote from a member: “The constant focus on recruiting can be stressful. I sometimes feel like I’m spending more time trying to find new members than actually selling products.” — Sophia H.


Faberlic presents a compelling opportunity for those interested in direct selling and network marketing. Its broad product range, quality offerings, and global reach provide substantial advantages for potential members. However, the MLM structure, initial investment, and the challenges associated with recruitment and income variability are important considerations.

As with any business opportunity, it’s crucial to thoroughly research and assess whether it aligns with your goals and capabilities. If you decide to join Faberlic, leverage the training and support provided to maximize your chances of success.

Ultimately, the experience of being a Faberlic member can vary widely, so it's essential to approach it with a clear understanding of both the potential rewards and challenges.